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We scour the web for information about companies that are working to improve the lives of older adults and their caregivers—and aggregate it here. Finally, a source for everything that’s happening across the entire field of Agetech. Enjoy!
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Cardiotrack raised $2 million

Cardiotrack, a healthcare technology company specializing in AI-based diagnostic and predictive healthcare solutions, raised $2 million in a pre-Series A funding round. The funds will be used to expand the company's operations and enhance its artificial intelligence capabiliti...

Reveleer raised $65M in financing to expand its product offerings

Reveleer, a healthcare software company that uses machine learning and AI to improve patient care and reduce costs, raised $65M in financing to expand its product offerings, accelerate its go-to-market strategy, and invest in customer success initiatives. (Published by FinSMEs)

Foundation Health raised $6 million in seed funding

Foundation Health, a new healthcare startup founded by the former CEO of Truepill, Umar Afridi, raised $6 million in seed funding to build a primary care platform that aims to provide personalized healthcare services to patients. The platform will use data to predict health ri...

Linus Health was acquired by Aural Analytics for an undisclosed amount

Linus Health was acquired by Aural Analytics for an undisclosed amount. The acquisition was made to integrate Aural Analytics' speech analytics technology into Linus Health's digital health platform, thereby enhancing its ability to detect and monitor neurological health issue...

Kayne Anderson Capital Advisors invested in TeleMed2U

Kayne Anderson Capital Advisors, an alternative investment firm specializing in energy, real estate, credit, and growth equity, invested an undisclosed amount in TeleMed2U, a multi-specialty telehealth platform. The funds will be used to expand TeleMed2U's telehealth services,...
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